Electric Service
From its modest beginning in 1916, Riviera Utilities has grown immensely. Today, the Riviera Utilities electric department serves Daphne, Spanish Fort, Point Clear, Loxley, Silverhill, Summerdale, Foley, Elberta, Lillian, Bon Secour, Magnolia Springs, and West Perdido Beach with electrical power, accounting for approximately 52,650 customers. The electrical infrastructure includes 100 miles of transmission lines, 826 miles of overhead distribution lines, 486 miles of underground distribution service, and 21 substations.
Riviera Utilities has constructed new substations in Daphne, Fairhope, and Spanish Fort, and completed modifications to substations in other parts of the service territory. As the utility moves forward, better reliability, redundancy, and recoverability of the system will be a key focus. The utility maintains and operates the electrical system from its offices in Foley and Daphne.
Electric Service Rates
Riviera Utilities company rates can be found below in PDF format. In order to view these files you must have a free PDF viewer such as Adobe® Acrobat®. Once you are able to view PDFs, select the links below for rate information.
Athletic Field ServiceTraffic Signal ServiceResidential ServiceSingle-Phase or Three-Phase General ServicePublic Highway Lighting-SpecialUnmetered Outdoor Lighting ServiceUnmetered Decorative Lighting ServicePublic Street and Highway LightingEnergy Cost AjustmentElectric Vehicle Charging Level III - DC FastCustomer Renewable Generation Rate RiderElectric Vehicle Charging Level IISingle or Three-Phase Industrial Electric ServicePower Savings Tips
There are a number of ways to save money on your power bill. Below are a few suggestions to help you conserve power.
Experiment with raising your usual thermostat setting in summer because every degree raised will save you between 5% to 10% of your cooling cost.
Dry clothes on a clothesline if you want to save between 2% and 4% on your yearly bill.
Replace your central air conditioning unit with high efficiency equipment to save between 14% and 40% on your annual cooling cost.
Replace your old electric resistance heat system with a heat pump to cut your annual heating costs by as much as 50%.
VIew All Money Saving Utility Tips

Vegetation Management
Specific questions may be directed to the Vegetation Management Department at 251-943-5001.
Riviera Utilities goal is to provide safe and reliable utility service to our customers and the communities we serve. These services are supplied through a well-maintained delivery system. An integral part of that system is our Vegetation Management program. Trees and vegetation play an important role in our daily lives and the beauty of our communities. If left alone near utilities, they can create hazardous situations and cause major service interruptions. Riviera Utilities' Vegetation Management Department manages over 1000 miles of electric, natural gas, water, wastewater, and broadband right-of-ways and 90 properties associated with those utilities.
In an effort to improve safety, reliability, and accessibility, we have adopted a Vegetation Management Policy to clear and maintain "safety maintenance zones" around all Riviera Utilities' equipment. Our program is based on industry-wide best management practices and is supported by years of research from leading vegetation management experts and arboricultural organizations. The plan includes various combinations of tree pruning, tree removals, brush cutting, mowing, and herbicide application. At Riviera Utilities, we are proud to serve South Baldwin County and look forward to delivering you safe and reliable utility service for years to come.
Vegetation Management Frequently Asked Questions

Construction Specifications
Riviera Utilities construction specifications can be found below in PDF format. In order to view these files you must have a free PDF viewer such as Adobe® Acrobat®. Once you are able to view PDFs, select the links below for specifications.
Mobile Home ServiceOverhead Permanent ServiceOverhead Temporary ServiceUnderground Single Phase Permanent ServiceUnderground Temporary Service