Connect Services

  1. Access our online Customer Service Portal 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  2. Come to our office: Please come to the office in your area and ask to see someone in Customer Service. You will need to have the physical address of the home or business where the service is needed. A picture ID is required.
  3. Via Fax, Mail or In-Person: You may download an application from this website ( go to download forms). Complete the application and fax, mail, or bring it to the office with you for completion of service application. A picture ID is required.

Feel Free to call us!
Offices Open: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday - Friday

Foley - (251) 943-5001 Daphne - (251) 626-5000

Disconnect Services

Online, phone, mail, or stopping by the office.

We will need your name, account number, service address, telephone number, and forwarding address to process your disconnect. You may download an application from this website ( go to download forms ). If you are moving, remember, you are responsible for all account charges until you notify Riviera Utilities to close your account. Be sure to contact your local office for immediate service.

Feel Free to call us!
Offices Open: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday - Friday

Foley - (251) 943-5001 Daphne - (251) 626-5000

Public Awareness Message for Excavators

Riviera Utilities owns and operates utility distribution systems (natural gas, electricity, water, waste water, and cable tv) in your coverage area for the purpose of providing efficient and reliable utilities. Riviera Utilities performs regular maintenance on the distribution systems in order to provide continued safe and reliable energy choices for our customers.

Riviera Utilities is a sponsor company participating in the Alabama Public Awareness Cooperative Training (APACT) program. The APACT program is a program developed by the Alabama One Call Center. In an effort to assist members in complying with RP 1162 Alabama One Call has developed a written plan to meet some of the requirements of the public awareness rule. Their plan is based on the model provided by the American Public Gas Association and Safety and Compliance Evaluation, Inc. and includes the requirements in RP 1162 that address pipelines and gas distribution system public awareness issues. This program will be known as the Alabama Public Awareness Cooperative Training (APACT).

In order to avoid damage to underground utilities


The Alabama Line Location Center

If you are planning any type of excavation,
please CALL BEFORE YOU DIG at least
48 hours in advance to have underground
utility lines marked.

What To Do If You Detect A Gas Leak: 
OUTDOORS: Call Riviera Utilities Immediately at 251-943-5001
INDOORS: If odor is strong, open doors and windows and avoid
creating any potential ignition source (light switch or other spark).
Call Riviera Utilities from outside of the building at 251-943-5001

If Odor Is Extremely Strong, Evacuate The Building

For further information contact the main office at:
Riviera Utilities
413 Laurel Avenue
Foley, Alabama 36536

Public Awareness Message for Excavators

Riviera Utilities owns and operates utility distribution systems (natural gas, electricity, water, waste water, and cable tv) in your coverage area for the purpose of providing efficient and reliable utilities. Riviera Utilities performs regular maintenance on the distribution systems in order to provide continued safe and reliable energy choices for our customers.

Riviera Utilities is a sponsor company participating in the Alabama Public Awareness Cooperative Training (APACT) program. The APACT program is a program developed by the Alabama One Call Center. In an effort to assist members in complying with RP 1162 Alabama One Call has developed a written plan to meet some of the requirements of the public awareness rule. Their plan is based on the model provided by the American Public Gas Association and Safety and Compliance Evaluation, Inc. and includes the requirements in RP 1162 that address pipelines and gas distribution system public awareness issues. This program will be known as the Alabama Public Awareness Cooperative Training (APACT).

In order to avoid damage to underground utilities
The Alabama Line Location Center

If you are planning any type of excavation,
please CALL BEFORE YOU DIG at least
48 hours in advance to have underground
utility lines marked.

What To Do If You Detect A Gas Leak: 
OUTDOORS: Call Riviera Utilities Immediately at 251-943-5001
INDOORS: If odor is strong, open doors and windows and avoid
creating any potential ignition source (light switch or other spark).
Call Riviera Utilities from outside of the building at 251-943-5001

If Odor Is Extremely Strong, Evacuate The Building

For further information contact the main office at:
Riviera Utilities
413 Laurel Avenue
Foley, Alabama 36536

2025-03-12 07:40